
We currently run two orchestral string groups and a variety of ensemble string groups for young people in North East Lincolnshire. The string groups involve pupils playing Violin, Viola, Cello or Double Bass.

NELYO – North East Lincolnshire Youth Orchestra

NELYO – Strings is a group for young people who are grade 4 level (or equivalent) and above. There is no audition process to be part of the group. All are welcome.
The group is held on Wednesdays during term time from 6.30pm – 8.30pm at The Music and Performing Arts Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH.

Training Strings

Training Strings is a group for young people who play strings and are complete beginners (with a knowledge of 5 notes) to grade 3 level (or equivalent). There is no audition process to be part of the group. All are welcome.
The group is held on Wednesdays during term time from 5pm – 6pm at The Music and Performing Arts Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH.

Just Strings

Just Strings is a group for young people who play a string instrument who are grade 3 + (or equivalent). There is no audition process to be part of the group . All are welcome.
The group meet on occasional Saturdays 9.30-12.30 at the Music and Performing Arts Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH . This is free to MAPAS group members, non members £5.00 per session

Guitar Ensemble

Open to acoustic guitar students of any age playing at grade one standard or above. Participants should be able to read notation but do not need to be fluent sight readers. You will need to provide your own guitar.
The group is held on Wednesdays during term time from 4.30pm – 5.30pm at The Music and Performing Arts Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH.


Current Term Dates

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Current Term Dates